SRT 97th Annual National Convention
- MCM Elegante Hotel 2355 Interstate 10 Beaumont, TX, 77705 United States (map)
The mission of the Alamo Chapter is to:
Support the Purpose, Mission and Goals of the SRT.
Increase public awareness about items of historical significance associated with Texas in the local area.
Support projects that advance the education of local youth in Texas history.
Preserve historical artifacts and increase public awareness of their importance.
When appropriate assist and collaborate with other like minded organizations in activities that support the increase of knowledge regarding Texas and its history.
Any male, eighteen years or older who is a direct lineal descendant of a person who was a resident of the Republic of Texas prior to February 19, 1846, is eligible for membership. Submission of the appropriate SRT membership application, with chapter endorsements, payment of the required fee and approval of the Historian General, Secretary General and President General is required.
JUNIOR (under 18): Junior members pay no annual dues, and may not vote or hold office. At age 18 they are automatically upgraded to regular membership. Applicants for junior membership pay a, one time, non-refundable processing fee of $30.
REGULAR (18 or over): Dues for regular members are $75 a year. Applicants for regular membership pay a non-refundable processing fee of $50. Their dues are waived for the current year.
LIFE: Life membership, which exempts members from payment of annual dues, is open to a member of any age for a fee based on their age. Junior members shall become Life Members upon payment of $1,000.00. Regular members between the ages of 18 and 40 years shall become Life Members upon payment of $750.00. Regular members over the age of 40 years shall become Life Members upon payment of $600.00. New Applicants for life membership pay this fee in addition to a processing fee of $50.
SENIOR: A Regular Member, who has reached the age of seventy (70) years, who is current with his dues, and has been a Member for ten (10) years, may apply in writing to the Administrative Assistant for Senior membership. The Executive Committee, at their sole discretion is hereby authorized and empowered to grant the Senior membership. Senior Members are not required to pay annual dues.
HONORARY: Honorary membership is granted to a maximum of three people a year by vote of the general membership. Honorary members, who cannot be eligible by reason of lineal descent, are chosen for having rendered outstanding service to Texas by furthering the aims and goals of the Sons of the Republic of Texas.
POSTHUMOUS (deceased): Application for posthumous membership may be made on behalf of any deceased person who would otherwise be eligible for membership, so long as his death occurred after the founding of the SRT (March 30,1922). The $100 fee includes processing and a bronze grave marker.
Reinstatement: See Renewal below.
Miscellaneous: All donations in excess of the annual dues are tax deductible. Dues are payable in advance for each calendar year. A member can vote and hold office in one chapter, but can hold dual membership in other chapters on payment of $6.00 for each additional chapter. A member may transfer his membership affiliation to another chapter, but must request in writing. A processing fee of $30 must be paid for each supplemental ancestor that the SRT acknowledges. Annual dues shall be assessed for the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, and shall be payable in advance to the Organization. Dues will be considered delinquent ninety (90) days after January 1 of the then current year, and after dues become delinquent the member may be suspended for non-payment of dues at the direction of the Executive Committee. A prior notice of delinquent members will be sent to the chapter prior to the annual meeting.
Renewal: After a membership suspension, a member may be dropped from active membership and denied all benefits arising there from. A member, suspended for non-payment of dues may be reinstated by paying dues for the year’s which his reinstatement is effective and a fifty $50.00 reinstatement fee.
Contact Registrar Ken Pfeiffer for assistance. 210-415-0696.